MakerKids Blog

Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream and Dry Ice Anti-griddle!

Written by Jenn | Nov 22, 2012 10:58:07 PM

Howdy maker fans!

It's week 6 here at Maker Kids and we're taking a break from our projects to make some ice cream with liquid nitrogen  and dry ice.

We had a fabulous volunteer from the University of Toronto today, Cyrille Lavigne. Here's he's demonstrating freezing a flower  with liquid nitrogen and than smashing it with a hammer. It shattered into little pieces!

Cyrille has had a lot of experience working with liquid nitrogen, so we were really thankful he could come and show us how to work with it safely!

Make sure you do your research and find out how to safely work with Liquid Nitrogen if you plan on doing this with kids, or with adults.


Step one was to write down our recipes.

Everything is better with chocolate and peanut butter!

Next, the mixing of ingredients.

On a side note, this is what happens when you add dry ice, water, and soap together.

Also, it is very important to test your ingredients for quality.

Here we find bailey, testing out the dry ice double bag method.

This is the much faster liquid nitrogen method. From liquid to ice cream in under a minute.

The ice cream begins to emerge from the liquid nitrogen mist!

The liquid nitrogen ice cream gets very icy very quickly. Keep stirring! Annemarie Pickersgill from Western University was on hand to help today, too.


You can use any ingredients you want for the liquid nitrogen ice cream other than the cream, milk and sugar. The liquid nitrogen will freeze anything! We found that 1 L of liquid nitrogen to 1 L of the ice cream ingredients worked well. And it tastes pretty good too!

In Toronto, you can buy 5L of liquid nitrogen, and rent the Dewar to hold it for a total of $56.50 plus HST from the Dry Ice & Gases Company at 26 Dorchester Ave, M8Z 4W3.

Here's Danielle using the anti-griddle that she and Julia made. It's a piece of aluminum sitting on top of dry ice chunks. This freezes the strawberries quickly, so they can put a chocolate coating on them that freezes solid.