MakerKids Blog

Fall in Love with Making

Written by Danielle | Feb 6, 2017 6:40:45 PM

The maker movement means kids are learning how to code, build robots, and modify their electronics. It’s essentially STEM in a fun, educational package that sets your child up for the future job market of our high-tech world. You can find the maker spirit all around us.

When making, children are encouraged to play games like Minecraft, which teaches them team-building skills as well as how circuits work (using an in-game system called “redstone”) and how to modify the game’s programming (aka coding!).

You can turn your child into a Maker Kid with our unique after-school and summer programs! Ready to fall in love with making? Check out some of these testimonials.

Testimonials From School Teachers

MakerKids is dedicated to helping children and families, as well as involving school districts to join the Maker Movement. Check out what they had to say!

“Vast new frontiers for learning are possible by embracing the Maker Movement, but most schools don’t have enough in-house expertise needed to go there. With MakerKids, you’ll have the expertise you need. You’ll be amazed by the potential in your students. MakerKids will help you release it."
- Andrea Fanjoy, Assistant Head Academics at Kingsway College School

“It’s never been more exciting to be in education; the learning and creativity through technology, coding, electronics and open-ended making are like rocket fuel for the school experience. But schools need help making this available for all their students, and that’s where MakerKids stepped in at KCS. Their focus on children, their passion for learning through making, and their flexibility in providing solutions for our school have been invaluable in our efforts.”
- Staff Members from Kingsway College School District

Testimonials From Parents

Check out these testimonials from the parents of MakerKids! Without these parents, none of this would be possible.

“A most excellent program and apparently unique in the world so far. My nine year old son had a blast, is recommending it to all his friends and would have set up camp there permanently if I let him! Higher praise has no nine year old believe me! And a strong focus on woman role models makes this a natural for girls interested in STEM too. I highly recommend it.
- Susan

“MakerKids has impressed me from the start. It’s the ultimate playground for wired, technology- oriented kids or any child that wants to play “inventor”, and what kid doesn’t! The atmosphere is relaxed and the teaching method is child-centered. Creativity comes first and no question is left unanswered. Experimentation and the learning process are emphasized more than the end result.”

Testimonials From Children

These testimonials are from children that are currently enrolled in our MakerKids program. These kids make working at MakerKids worth it.

“At first when I came here, I had no idea how any of this electric stuff worked, and I’m just like, how I am going to be able to make this? But over time with my mistakes, I realized it gets easier and it comes to me and sometimes making a mistake actually teaches you something – why something doesn’t work.”

“MakerKids is an awesome organization. I like that they won’t do the project for you. They will of course teach you how to use tools. If you want to make something they will supervise but you will do it. We need a MakerKids here.”
-Joey (Joey made a marshmallow gun at MakerKids from scratch and was able to show it to President Obama!)

While MakerKids mainly focuses on helping children learn and grow, you can see that the Maker Movement helps the entire community out. If you’re interested in enrolling your child in our After-School or Summer program, register here! We hope to see you soon!