MakerKids Blog

Meet Our Maker Mentors

Written by Danielle | Aug 9, 2017 2:52:00 PM

Have you met the MakerKids Team? MakerKids is a local Toronto company and growing each year. We are so happy to have new maker mentors come teach with us and impart inspiration. We have a close ratio of 1 mentor for every 8 kids, with our support team always nearby. Our mentors come from a wide range of maker experience, from engineers, coders, designers to theatre! What we all have in common though, is our love for creating, thinking outside the box and dedication to helping children grow.

Cools facts about our team and maker mentors!

  • Jenn Turliuk, CEO of MakerKids attended NASA's Singularity University, where she learned how to apply technology to education
  • Our programs are designed and created by industry professionals and makers (engineers, entrepreneurs, teachers and speakers from Queen’s University)
  • We have toured around the world giving talks and running workshops, like Maker Faire
  • Our mentors have worked at City of Toronto, Boys and Girls Clubs, Tim Horton’s Children’s Foundation and have taught at schools across Toronto
  • We are an equal opportunity employer. Our staff come from many backgrounds and we are a strong supporter of women in tech. Half our staff is women!
  • We are a B Corp (following social and environmental goals) and are being accredited by the Ontario Camps Association. Over 80 years old, the OCA represents over 600 members all with the goal, "to enable children to learn new skills, make new friends and have fun in a safe, healthy and caring environment." Each member is required to pass over 200 quality standards surrounding safety, employment, operations and programs. All our staff follow their guidelines and our mission takes into account their goals and standards.

Read all our team bios

About our training. What does it take to be a MakerKids Mentor?

  • Completion of full week of training and hands work in all our programs (coding, robotics and Minecraft) before teaching
  • Seven step interview process and 3 references checks!
  • Passing situational training (including emergencies and working with kids of different learning abilities)
  • Reviewing and signing our health, safety, child abuse and MakerKids policies
  • Assisting one term before leading a class
  • First Aid Trained completion
  • Cleared police checks

We have much staff who have been with us for years. We are committed to their growth and perform reviews throughout the year and provide funding for training. Stop by our makerspace and meet our team! Contact or 647-247-1678.

Do you want to be part of MakerKids? Check out all our open positions here (scroll to the bottom).

