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Open House - Build The Future With Us!

As a part of Maker Festival's Month of Making, we will host, not one, but TWO open houses. We will be opening our doors to the public to explore our ...

Weekend Trips with Kids

Summer will soon be upon us, which means the kids are out of school, warm weather, and fun weekend trips! However, it can be hard to get the whole family...

What's the Deal About Minecraft?

What Kids Can Learn from Videogames?

Top 5 MakerKids Essentials - Make Your Home A MakerSpace

A question we are often asked is how to encourage the Maker spirit at home. How do parents continue to incorporate what their kids learn after their...

3 Activities to do this Spring for Growth

Spring is a time for new beginnings and renewal. You can see it all around; more sun in the sky and plants start to bloom from a cold winter. With more...