How can parents support kids and the technology movement?

Technology is increasingly becoming more ingrained in our daily lives, for better or for worse. But like all other media, it is all about how you use it....

Why we need to raise innovators, not consumers

We send our children to school every day with one objective, to make them smarter so they can be successful when they grow up. But, how does a child...

5 Halloween Science Crafts You Can Do at Home

While Halloween is time for ghosts and goblins, it’s also time for some pretty cool science activities that you can do right from home. Many of them...

Why do we use Minecraft at Makerkids?

When it comes to computer games, Minecraft is definitely tops with kids. It lets them build a Lego-like world with their friends. From farms and cities to...

Helping kids with learning disabilities through tech & digital programs

When children have learning disabilities, parents and teachers look for anything that can give them the extra help they may need to compete with their...

Featured Maker Mentors - Entrepreneurs and Inventors

Teaching kids to have dreams and supporting them to become whatever they want to be is one of the fundamentals of being a parent. Besides playing an...

Coding for Kids: Benefits and Resources

The Benefits of Coding and Coding Resources for Kids

While coding used to be something reserved for the highly technical and programmers, it is now a...

5 Tips for Student Success

The smell of freshly sharpened pencils and the sound of crisp new notebooks being cracked open can only mean one thing. A new school year is upon us. With...

How to talk to your kids about what they’re learning

Your child comes home from school or an extra-curricular and you say “What did you learn today?” Your child thinks for a moment, and then says “I don’t...

Kids STEM Education and Programs

It seems like most education programs are incorporating STEM into their curriculums, but what exactly is it? In a nutshell, STEM helps untangle problems...