Tinkering Camp - Day 1

Tea and Sydney working on their battle-bot

Robot Knife Fight

Today at the Maker Kids lab, we experimented with circuits, soldering, carpentry and...

Curiosity Rover Mars Party!

In celebration of the Curiosity Rover's arrival on Mars, Maker Kids was in attendance at Toronto's Mars Party at hotel Ocho! It was a huge success!

We have a 3D Printer!

Thanks to all the generous donations at Marianne and my wedding, we now have a 3D printer! It's a Replicator, from MakerBot. We visited with them down at...

Hack Jam Pictures!

On Saturday, we had about 80 kids come by the Maker Kids tables at the Hack Jam! We had a blast, the kids had a blast, all kinds of toys were dismembered...

Submarine with motorized ballast control

Maker Kid Téa made this motorized cartesian diver submarine.

Maker Kids After School Project Presentations!

The kids have all worked hard these past 10 weeks on their projects!

Our renovations finished up right at the end of the 10 week session. Just in time for...