Dec 20 PA Day Workshop - Registration ends this Sunday

Our High Tech Ornament Workshop is filling up quickly and registration ends this Sunday at 11:30 pm. Register asap via:

We are hiring a Makerspace Leader!

MakerKids is looking for a new person to join our team as a Makerspace Leader! This position will start part time with 10-30 hours per week, with the goal...

After School Programs at MakerKids January 2014

Many of of you have been asking us when the next after-school programs are! We have 3 after school programs starting in January, at our makerspace:

Early Bird Registration for Winter Camp Ends This Friday

2014 Winter Tech/Maker Camp for Kids December 30-January 3 (excluding Jan 1) at MakerKids in Toronto.

Booking Holiday Parties

Tired of the same old boring parties for your team or department?

Winter Programming At MakerKids

Many of you have been anxiously waiting to hear about our 2014 programs and we thank you for your patience. We are announcing the following programs, and...

3D Printing Toronto

Have you ever wanted to try 3D printing in Toronto but don't know where to go? Every Monday from 7-10 pm, we host an open shop program just for adults....

Minecraft Toronto and Oculus Rift today

Every Thursday from 3:30-6:30 at our makerspace in Toronto, we host a special drop-in for kids who love Minecraft. Open to kids from ages 8-18, kids get...

November 15 PA Full Day Workshop for Kids

Create your own plush toy or wearable item that lights up when you squeeze it!

25 Hour Game-athon for SickKids Streaming Live Online!

We're having lots of fun here at MakerKids for our 25 Hours of Games for SickKids Hospital. Check us out on our channel, or just check it out...