9 Days Until Our 25 Hour Game-athon!

9 days to go until our 25 Hours of Games for SickKids Hospital and we've already reached 22% of our goal! Keep those donations coming!

Other Ways To Support The Event

Clean out those closets before the holidays! We need your old/used/missing-pieced board games to hack & remix into new games! Drop them off at MakerKids before Nov. 2nd.

Register for the Event

To help us know how many people will be coming between 9am and 9pm on Nov. 2nd, please pre-register (for free). The more people signing up, the more activities we'll be able to do!

Eventbrite - MakerKids 25 Hour Gameathon Fundraiser for SickKids (through Extra-Life)

More Information

You can find out more about the event and Extra Life in our event announcement post, 25 Hours of Games for SickKids Hospital

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