New program for adults starting on Wednesdays

Would you like to help more kids be makers? Are you an teacher, educator, librarian, parent, or interested adult who wants to learn about how MakerKids gets kids involved with crafting, tinkering, and making things?

This open shop is great for people who want to learn more about making different things, and about working on them with children! We can help teach you new skills and how to use high tech tools safely with kids. You can learn about woodworking, electronics, programming, 3D modelling and 3D printing, Arduino (an open source microcontroller), MaKey MaKey (easy to use invention kit where you can even turn bananas into a keyboard), crafts, sewing, soft circuitry and wearable technology, and more! You'll get hands-on experience and learn through doing, not just talking. You can also take home what you make - we just ask that you pay for any materials you use/take home.

This is also a great opportunity to learn more about MakerKids, explore possibilities for volunteering, and meet interesting people. We've had people come from as far away as London and Montreal for Open Shop for Adults on Mondays.

You must register in advance to attend.