MakerKids Summer Camps Start in 2 Weeks!

MakerKids Summer Camps start soon!

Our Summer Camps Start in 2 Weeks!

If you haven't signed up yet, now is your chance! Space is limited, so make sure to register ASAP to guarantee your spot. If you are bringing a friend you can each use the discount code "IAmAMaker" to get $25 off before June 29.

Minecraft & Digital Creations Camp June 30-July 4

Do you know a young boy or girl who likes Minecraft and creating digital things? At our Minecraft and Digital Media Creation Camp, we’ll be creating a new world filled with minigames we design together and more!

Register here.

Boat Making Summer Camp July 14-18

Take charge of the high seas with boats you build! We’ll be using wood, barrels, PVC pipes and cardboard to make something that floats.

Register here.

Maker Sampler Camp July 28 – Aug 1

Robots, 3D printing, Minecraft, woodworking, video and special effects, oh my! Try a sampling of MakerKids’ best topics – a different topic each day.

Register here.

Robotic Creatures Summer Camp August 11-15

At this camp, you will make a character come to life! Design the face and make the parts move to give your creature personality. Use a sound module to give your creature a voice, and wire up its mouth to move in sync. Build a robot claw to grab things and pick them up! Register here.

High Altitude Balloon Creation Camp July 7-11

We will build an actual high altitude balloon together, and send it up near the end of the week. Aboard the balloon as it rises will be characters acting out a story that we will write together, with a video camera recording the whole journey! Register here.

Inventions Summer Camp July 21-25

Imagine something crazy, and make it! Think up an invention, a contraption, a vehicle, a monster, a robot, an outfit or whatever you imagine! Then you can build it using our tools and the help of our instructors. Register here.

MakerKids Sampler Camp Aug 5-8

Minecraft, movie-making, computer surgery, programming, robot building, and liquid nitrogen ice cream, oh my! Try a sampling of MakerKids’ best topics – a new topic each day. Register here.

Remote Controlled Awesomeness Summer Camp August 18-22

At this camp, you will make a creation powered by a remote control, motors and more! What do you want to make remote controlled? A candy dispenser, a tray, a shoe, a toy car? Come up with an idea and make it happen! Register here.

Video Game Creation Camp August 25-29 2014 at MakerKids

We’ll build games with the Scratch system from MIT, the Portal 2 level builder, and even make puzzles and challenges with Minecraft. Kids will learn what makes a good game design, plan out their projects, make the artwork and sound effects, and program the games themselves.

Register here.
