5 Famous Canadians in Technology

If there’s any role model for kids, these 5 famous Canadians in science and technology are a definite few to look up to. They teach about hard work, persistence, and what you can accomplish if you reach for your dreams. Take a look at some of their accomplishments and how they got there.

Chris Hadfield

Chris Hadfield

Chris Hadfield was the first Canadian to ever become an Astronaut and walk in space. He was raised on a farm in Southern Ontario, and followed his passion to becoming an Astronaut after watching the Apollo 11 landing on TV. From farmer to pilot to Astronaut, Chris never gave up on his dreams. He is a great example of what dedication and persistence can do.

Roberta Bondar

Roberta Bondar

Roberta Bondar, like Hadfield, was an Astronaut. However, she was the first female Canadian to ever reach outer space, and was a great inspiration for all Canadian women. Beyond her time in space, she was also a neuroscientist! She can teach the daughters out there that all people, men and women, can accomplish anything they set their minds to.

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell

You've probably heard his name before. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the world’s first telephone, was actually Scottish born but become a Canadian citizen in 1870 at the age of 23 with his family. Bell’s story teaches us to care for others and it may lead us to our life’s purpose (he worked diligently to help the deaf, which eventually lead to the invention of the telephone).

Tobias Lütke

Tobias Lutke

Tobias Lütke is the founder of Shopify, the world’s largest eCommerce website building platform. Lütke was born in Germany, but became a Canadian citizen before starting this massive company. He dropped out of school to become a programmer after tenth grade. A good example experimenting with ideas they enjoy, taking risks, and testing out different things so they can eventually discover what they want to do in life.

Mallorie Brodie and Lauren Hasegawa

Bridgit App

Mallorie and Lauren are University of Western Ontario graduates who created BridgIt. BridgIt is a simple app for construction project management. They have raised over $2.2 million! They won Google's Entrepreneurs Demo Day Women's Edition in December in San Francisco, the only Canadian company. They both come from families involved in construction. Lauren studied civil engineering and Mallorie, business.

Canada has no shortage of impactful leaders both in the past and with us today. If you want your kids to learn more about these people, their impacts, and the valuable life lessons they have to teach, check out our summer and fall camps!