Featured MakerKid: Max

We have thousands of students that pass by MakerKids every year. They all come from different backgrounds, skill levels and dreams. Curious about what some of our graduates are doing now? Meet Max, who has dabbled in many of our programs!

Name: Max

Program taken at MakerKids: Minecraft (2 years ago), Scratch (2 years ago and his favourite!), Arduino (1 year ago)

Current age: 11

What do you like about MakerKids: There's really nothing like it. It's unique. We are able to work with Arduinos and different computer programs.

What have you up to (new projects, creations?): I'm learning Mandarin now and playing a lot of baseball in the summer.

At a recent science fair, we were working on only green energy projects. I created a working model of hydrokinetic and tidal energy. The biggest one is in France and found in many European countries. It can power whole islands.

Other accomplishments:

  • Teaching a Scratch coding class at Seventh Street Junior School, where Max taught over 60 kids.
  • Over a 10 week period Max taught different students after school, starting from grade 2.
  • Max was a top four finalist for Best Game at his school's street fair. He was even visited by the TDSB Vice President!

What do you want to do next?: When I grow up, I want to be an engineer, doctor or orthodontist.

A word from Max's Parents: MakerKids provides hands on training, that is not accessible in the regular school system. It helps prepare kids for jobs that don’t exist yet. It is important for kids and gives them a competitive advantage.

Does your child want to be a featured MakerKid and showcase their work? Contact danielle@makerkids.com for details.