3 Ways to Start the New School Year Off Great

Image Via: providencecapital.com

With each new school year comes new responsibility.

For example, a Kindergartener will learn the basics: how to identify shapes by size and colour, how to properly sound out each letter (as well as know what each letter looks like) and how to do simple math, such as addition and subtraction.

However, a third grader will learn more about reading and writing, will work with numbers up to 3,000, be able to identify all of the planets in the solar system, and learn simple social studies skills such as their heritage.

It’s important for parents to know what level your child works on and all kids are unique. Are they a fast learner or do they take a little more time to grasp certain things? Do they need help with their homework, certain activities or learn differently?

How can you make sure that your child will excel each year? Below are three ways to help your child start the new school year off great.

#1: Create a Structured Homework Area

Kids School TipsImage Via: freeiz.com

Children, like adults, need their own personal place to sit down and do their work. Having a dedicated work space increases creativity and productivity! You can include paper, pencils, and even markers when setting up the desk. Anything that allows your child to get creative with their work will do.

Nobody likes to work in a boring environment - but, nobody would get work done if their workspace is filled with toys. Figure out a happy medium with your child. Maybe they want a highlighter to “grade” their homework. If this is the case, they could only use the highlighter when their homework was completed. That way, they’ll have something to look forward to when they’re finished with the “boring” work.

Many parents say their children are perfectly happy working at the kitchen table, but if you’re going to be preparing food for dinner, it might distract them.

#2: Get Involved with the School

Kids School TipsImage Via: edweek.org

Getting involved with your child’s school is an excellent way to make sure you both have a good school year. If you familiarize yourself with your child’s teacher, you’ll be able to talk to them about your child’s performance in the classroom (as well as out).

You’ll also be able to meet your child’s friends and their parents, which will be prudent when planning birthday parties or playdates! You’ll also be able to learn a few tips and tricks that other parents use to help their children through the new year (and give them some of your tips, too!).

Even signing your child up with some extracurricular activities will be good for both of you. It’ll give you both the chance to get out of your house while having fun and doing school-friendly things. Did you know that longer periods of participation stimulate interpersonal relationships that are thought to encourage positive youth development?

#3: Form School-Friendly Habits

Kids School TipsImage Via: blogspot.com

Practice going to bed later and getting up earlier at least one month before school starts. While habits take up to 66 days to form, you don’t want to strip your children of their summer and cut playtime short. A month will ensure that your child knows what’s expected of them ahead of time. As a bonus, they won’t fight with you at bedtime when school starts! (Get them to be part of the routine and decision process too!)

Practice packing lunches together. Have your child make a PB&J for themselves and go on a picnic. Your child cares about what they’re eating for lunch; allowing them to help pick out food will increase the chance they’ll eat it.

Teach your children how to put their books in their backpack in a neat way. That way, they won’t feel rushed before (or after) school and will keep their objects nice and neat. No one wants a crinkled folder!

Finally, start the new year right by signing up your kids for an afterschool program! They’ll make new friends, learn new skills, and have a lot of fun, too! It is a great way to explore different topics and learning experiences.

We hope that you found this article helpful! If you have any tips and tricks you’d like to share with us (as well as other parents reading), feel free to leave a comment below! Be sure to share this article with your friends and family, too!