Why Teaching Children How to Code is Instrumental to Their Future

The world’s technology is evolving rapidly. You’re now able to pay for your groceries without taking your wallet or phone out of your pocket with...

How to Foster Your Child's Growth with Video Games

There is no shortage of controversy over the potential benefits and pitfalls of video game play in children. However, many of the findings that say video...

Young Maker Spotlight: Camille Beatty

Have you ever seen the robots made by Beatty Robotics? They are a family that loves building robots and electronic projects in their garage workshop....

How Do Maker Activities Help Children?

Some say making is a form a therapy. You can explore your ideas and take something that you imagined and actually create it. Some parents who have brought...

How to Remake the World by Making with Kids

How can we increase human potential and have more real innovations, like the Google self-driving car? Humans are said to have more chance of reaching...

Favourite Tweets of the Week

Maker Faire at White House

Yes, it's happening. Our friend, Joey Hudy, who shot his Marshamallow cannon with Obama, has inspired the White House to support more makers in their...

Joe Hudy- A Young Maker Full of Awesomeness

Have you ever read the blog Look What Joey's Making? Joe Hudy is a young maker who tells his stories and awesome maker projects on his blog. He shot his ...

A 12 Year Old Maker On A Quest to Remake Education

"Quin Etnyre walks to the front of a crowded room at Deezmaker 3D Printers and Hackerspace in Pasadena, California. He adjusts his laptop on the...

10 Arduino Projects That Blow Our Mind

Arduino this, Arduino that. What is Arduino anyway? If you want the official definition from the Arduino website, it is "an open-source electronics...