Educational Upcycled Creations

Going green is a great thing to teach your kids. Why throw it out when you can create something new out of it? Plus, crafts can teach your kids excellent...

Back to School: Preparing for the School Year

It’s already the end of August, and the school year is almost upon us! There isn't much time left to plan, and planning the school year can be...

Tips to Boost Self-Confidence in Kids

Not all kids are the same. They have different interests, skills - technical skills and soft skills, like confidence. It’s not clear-cut how to instill...

What Do Startups and the Maker Movement Have in Common

The Maker Movement is a culture that combines do-it-yourself (DIY) with “hacking” (not necessarily computer hacking). It also involves all those who love...

5 Famous Canadians in Technology

If there’s any role model for kids, these 5 famous Canadians in science and technology are a definite few to look up to. They teach about hard work,...

3 Science Activities Your Kids Can Do Outdoors

There are only so many things that can be taught in the lab or classroom. To get a full experience, kids need to go outside a bit to learn, especially in...

Summer Activities to do with Your Kids at Home

Summer is finally here, and with it comes lots of awesome activities to do! However, sometimes you might not really want to go anywhere. That’s OK – here...

Open House - Build The Future With Us!

As a part of Maker Festival's Month of Making, we will host, not one, but TWO open houses. We will be opening our doors to the public to explore our ...

Weekend Trips with Kids

Summer will soon be upon us, which means the kids are out of school, warm weather, and fun weekend trips! However, it can be hard to get the whole family...

What's the Deal About Minecraft?

What Kids Can Learn from Videogames?