Bloor West Kids Fun Day - April 29

Join us for a day of fun! We will have activities, games and more. We will have workshops throughout the day as well. Some may require pre-registration....

Winter Camp 2017

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Why Extracurriculars Are So Important

We hear it everywhere, right? Your kids should be joining extracurriculars like sports, clubs, camps, and everything else you can sign them up for.

How to Help Kids Get Engaged in STEM Activities

Parents across the nation have hit a panic button with regard to the lack of STEM education across many school boards. STEM (Science, Technology,...

Growth from being Bullied to Helping Kids

When I was a kid, I experienced a lot of bullying and had a fairly hard time with it. Other kids made fun of me for getting good grades, for the questions...

How Learning 21st Century Skills is Vital to Your Child's Confidence

The Digital Age has brought about a change in the way children are taught - and the way they need to think and understand the world around them.

Teach Your Kids 21st Century Skills – The Minecraft Way!

Once in a while, a video game comes along that encompasses not only ‘fun’, ‘adventure’ and ‘freedom’, but also embodies all the skill and heroism that all...

Advanced Minecraft

Robotic Inventions using Arduino

One of the most popular topics that we teach at MakerKids is robotics. We teach it using an awesome technology called Arduino, in 10-week programs, camps,...

Videogame Programming Using Scratch

Scratch is a popular introductory programming language made by MIT that uses building blocks of code that fit together to create a program, with no...