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MakerKids Fall Programs

MakerKids News

We have been having a grand old time at our summer camps! Here is the latest video from our Minecraft and Remote...

MakerSchools Update: Minecraft Module Set­up

In our previous blog post about MakerSchools, we introduced the project - we are creating modules


We were fortunate enough to receive our second grant from Hive Toronto, in conjunction with Kids Learning Code. Our first grant enabled us to develop 6...

New Tickets Released for MakerKids August Camps!

New Tickets Released for MakerKids August Camps!

We have just released some new tickets for our August camps. If...

Kids Learning and Play Programs

Play is a cornerstone of the MakerKids programs. Play fosters cognitive development, working memory, social development, abstract thinking and practical...

MakerKids Summer Camps Start in 2 Weeks!

Making Makers - Activity Guides

We're here to help you get started teaching and inspiring kids to be makers!

We get asked to speak at conferences a lot. There is a huge momentum in the...

PA Day this Friday...Make a Candy-Dispensing Robot!

Topic Spotlight: Raspberry Pi

We recently acquired some more Raspberry Pi's from Newark/Element14 ( and thought we'd do a spotlight on this cool technology:

MakerKids is in California this week!

MakerKids is heading to California this week for Maker Faire and more!